07 of March 2021 08:00

Servicemen of operation and investigation units of the State Border Guard Service continue to find places with stored weapon, ammunition and explosives in Donbass region

According to operative information, border guards disclosed ammunition bunker in a destroyed building in the village of Olhynka in the Donetsk region. During the inspection of the building, servicemen of the Donetsk Border Guard Detachment and employees of the Strategic Investigations Department of the Donetsk Oblast National Police disclosed ammunition bunker containing 9 30 mm shells, 350 5.45 mm rounds and 1 7.62 mm round.

According to this fact, information on the detection of a criminal offense elements under Art. 263 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine "Illegal handling of weapons, ammunition or explosives" was sent to the territorial unit of the National Police. There is an investigation on this case.

It should be noted that since the beginning of 2021, border guards of the Eastern Regional Directorate of the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine from the Joint Forces in Donetsk and Luhansk regions revealed 6 bunkers of weapons and ammunition, from which they seized 1 anti-tank grenade launcher, 395 rounds of ammunition of various calibres, 36 fragmentation grenades and 2 artillery shells.

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