Border guards detained violators near the borders with Romania and Hungary

26 of February 2023 09:00

Servicemen of the "Dilove" border guard division of the Mukachevo detachment detained two residents of Chernihiv and Ternopil regions who intended to illegally cross the Ukrainian-Romanian border.

Both men, aged 33, contacted people from Zakarpattia who promised to organize the illegal crossing of the border with Romania for them. The "tour operators" charged $6,000 for their services.

The border guards drew up administrative protocols against both men for attempting to violate the state border, and the court will subsequently evaluate their actions.

Border guards of the "Vilok" unit stopped another attempt to violate the state border while implementing information provided by officers of the operational-search department. In particular, during patrolling at around 5:00 a.m. today, the patrol found and detained three people with a rubber boat 150 meters from the border.

Two residents of Ivano-Frankivsk region and one from Kharkiv region arrived in Zakarpattia to illegally cross the Ukrainian-Hungarian border on the Tisza River. The two swimmers paid their "tour organizers" $2,500 each, while the third one agreed to pay $2,000.

Operatives of the detachment are currently identifying the organizers of transporting conscripts to EU countries.

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