Association Committee between Ukraine and the EU

04 of May 2023 08:07

On April 27, 2023, the eighth meeting of the Subcommittee on Freedom, Security and Justice of the Association Committee between Ukraine and the EU took place with the participation of the European Commission, the EU Advisory Mission and the European Borde

Volodymyr Nikiforenko, the first deputy head of the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine, took part in the work of the Ukrainian delegation, he emphasized the importance of implementing the best European practices in the protection of the state border, in particular, the renewal of joint border control and patrolling with neighboring EU member states.

Volodymyr Nikiforenko noted that, taking into account russia's military aggression and new challenges in the sphere of border security, the agency is working on making changes to the Integrated Border Management Strategy.

Also, he emphasized the importance of increasing cooperation with the Frontex European Agency and confirmed his readiness to start a dialogue on the conclusion of the Agreement on the status of representatives.

During the meeting, the EU representatives noted positively the results of the work of the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine and assured of further support for the process of adapting national legislation in the field of integrated border management, joint risk analysis and institutional support, and also emphasized the importance of continuing effective work to detect smuggling using special funds given by the EU.

At the end of the dialogue, Volodymyr Nikiforenko expressed his gratitude to the European partners for the constant and consistent support of the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine and readiness to deepen cooperation.

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