Almost three dozen border violators were detained in Bukovyna

12 of August 2022 08:20

Almost 30 people who tried to enter Moldova and Romania illegally were detained by border guards of the Chernivtsi border guard detachment.

The border patrol of the Krasnoilsk border guard division found and detained eight men - residents of Chernivtsi, Kirovohrad and Ivano-Frankivsk regions. The men tried to escape. To stop them, the border guards fired warning shots upwards.

Another five people who tried to enter Romania illegally were detained by border guards of the same border guard division at the weekend.

Also, over the weekend, border guards of the "Sokyriany", "Kelmentsi" and "Hertsa" border guard divisions detained fifteen border violators - residents of Kharkiv, Donetsk, Mykolaiv, Lviv and Chernivtsi regions.

In addition, two persons were notified of the detection of a criminal offense to the National Police. Investigations are ongoing.

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