About methods of internal communications, self-help and self-regulation in combat conditions

20 of August 2022 08:53

The personnel of the 9th Border Guard Detachment named after the Sich Riflemen took part in the training conducted by specialists of the internal communications group of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

The purpose of the training was to teach the basics of leadership, as well as self-help and self-regulation skills in combat conditions. Activities were held under the auspices of the Public Organization "Ukrainian Center for Military Leadership".

During the lecture part of the class, the servicemen got acquainted with modern and extremely interesting methods of internal communications, which strengthen the leadership qualities of commanders, which are extremely important to support during combat operations.

In the active phase, the participants of the training had the opportunity to learn and practice self-help skills during the battle. Along with that, the special attention of the listeners was drawn to the issues of self-regulation of the psyche of military personnel under the influence of psycho-traumatic factors of combat.

Based on the results of the training and practical training, the Head of the Border Guard Detachment, Colonel Anton Kviatkovskyi, expressed his gratitude to the representatives of the internal communications group of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine for their work and cooperation and wished them further achievements that would certainly accelerate Ukraine's victory over the enemy.

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