A russian citizen who illegally crossed the border with Poland on a mattress was detained for the second time, this time at the border with Moldova

16 of February 2023 08:08

Border guards of Chernivtsi Border Guard Detachment detained a russian on the outskirts of the town of Sokyriany in Dnistrovskyi district who had previously tried to cross the border illegally in Volyn region.

The 28-year-old detainee was the resident of khabarovsk region of the russian federation. The man used to have a temporary residence permit in Ukraine, which expired in March 2022. In January of this year, the russian crossed the border from Poland to Ukraine across Zakhidnyi Buh River on an inflatable mattress. He was then detected by border guards of Volyn Border Guard Detachment. The violator was held accountable for administrative offence and deported to Poland under the readmission procedure. The man was forbidden entry into the country for 5 years.

The russian national was stubborn enough to try entering Ukraine illegally again. However, but this time he trespassed from the territory of Moldova. Currently, the detainee has been taken to the border guard unit. The issue of initiating criminal proceedings under the article 332-2 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine on illegal crossing of the state border of Ukraine is being under consideration. The sanction of the article for crossing the border of Ukraine by a person who is prohibited from entering the territory of Ukraine provides for punishment in the form of imprisonment for a term of up to three years.

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