A man «bought» three children for 1500 dollars to cross the border

04 of November 2022 08:12

Border guards of the Chop and Lviv detachments caught two citizens of Ukraine trying to cross the border illegally.

A 36-year-old resident of Dnipro was going on foot from Ukraine to Slovakia through the BCP Malyi Bereznyi. He presented three birth certificates of children with his passport as a reason for crossing the state border during martial law.

However, during the inspection of the documents, border guards found out that all three certificates contained signs of forgery. During the questionnaire, the man confessed that he had bought them for $ 1500 to avoid mobilization. Of course, he was denied to cross the border and warned that he had committed a criminal offense.

Then our compatriot resorted to an «alternative» attempt to resolve the problem. To make law enforcement officers turn their eyes blind to the absence of legal grounds for traveling abroad as well as to the forgery of documents, he offered them a bribe in the amount of 1881 dollars.

Border guards of the Chop detachment refused this offer and informed the National Police about the incident. Now the desperate man will response before the law for criminal offenses.

The money was seized by the investigative group of the National Police. The bribe giver was denied to go abroad. He left the BCP accompanied by officers of the National Police.

At the BCP Shehyni in Lviv region, border guards did not let a 35-year-old Ukrainian to go to Poland. To cross the border, in addition to the passport, the resident of Zaporizhzhya provided to the inspector of the border control of the Lviv detachment a military ticket with a note of temporary ineligibility, which was not certified in the prescribed manner. The man could not present a certificate of the military medical commission, referring to the mistake of the military commissariat. Realizing that the documents provided for inspection were not enough to cross the border, the man tried to «solve» the situation by bribery. The border guard patrol refused the offer of a bribe in the amount of $ 500. A report of a criminal offense over this fact was sent to the competent law enforcement agencies.

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