A great thing is done by all together! Sleeping bags, heaters, camouflage nets will be sent to the front line

08 of February 2024 08:05

Borderguards of the Lviv detachment received another assistance recently.

Representatives of the authorities and benefactors responded gladly to the requests of borderguards and handed them the necessary equipment and goods.

Borderguards received three unmanned aerial systems from Lviv City Council. Generators, heaters, camouflage nets and sleeping bags were handed to borderguards by volunteers of the Charitable Foundation of the Republic of Lithuania «Legion of Aid». This assistance will be sent to our comrades who perform their tasks in the combat zone.

Representatives of the Charitable Foundation «Sombra Ukraine» provided details with videorecorders. The obtained equipment will be used by inspectors at Border crossing points.

Borderguards thank sincerely for assistance and support!

A great thing is done by all together. Together to victory!

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