A batch of counterfeit alcohol worth a million hryvnias was discovered in Vinnytsia region

10 of September 2022 08:09

A joint interdepartmental group consisting of operatives of the Border Guard Detachment, the National Police, under the procedural guidance of the Mohyliv - Podilskyi District Prosecutor's Office, seized a batch of counterfeit alcohol.

During the authorized search, in the premises and vehicles of one of the branches of the logistics company, law enforcement officers discovered and seized almost 3,000 liters of counterfeit alcoholic beverages in packages bearing the trademarks of well-known global brands.

Law enforcement officers according to the established procedure seized alcohol of dubious quality, which was supposed to be delivered to different regions of Ukraine. The preliminary value of the confiscated goods is almost one million hryvnias. Measures are being taken to establish all the circumstances of the case.

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