02 of November 2020 08:00

The border guards joined all-Ukrainian event on large-scale landscaping of Ukraine “One million trees a day” in Transcarpathia.

The border guards joined all-Ukrainian event on large-scale landscaping of Ukraine “One million trees a day” in Transcarpathia.

The border guards of Chop and Mukachevo Border Guard Detachments were invited to the event to increase the forest resources of Transcarpathia by the employees of the Transcarpathia Regional Department of Forestry and Hunting. “Green berets” planted trees in the Rafailovo tract in Mukachevo together with employees of the forestry.

Before starting work, the foresters explained the servicemen the procedure for planting trees. Realizing the importance and necessity of what had been started, the border guards set to work. In a few hours of work, the servicemen planted more than a thousand young oak and ash seedlings.

Noticing the inspiration and zeal of the border guards, foresters gave them additional trees. Later, these seedlings replenished the green fund of our planet.

"We have done a very important job today. We did it for the future, for our children. These small sprouts will become large and powerful trees in years to come. They will enrich the air with oxygen and purify it. It is possible that our children will rest in the shade of these plantations later”, said Colonel Yevhen Babenko, Deputy Chief of the Chop Border Guard Detachment.

At the end of the event, the foresters thanked the border guards for their fast and high-quality work and treated them to their favorite Transcarpathian dish - Bohrach.

We hope that in future all the planted trees will turn into a young and beautiful forest, which is called the “green lungs” of the planet.

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