Results of border guards' combat work for the week

26 of June 2024 08:14

During the week from June 17 to June 23, 2024, fighters of the State Border Guard Service destroyed 41 invaders, incapacitated 36 occupiers, and captured 2 russian soldiers.

Additionally, throughout the week, the border guards destroyed 43 enemy shelters and fortifications, 3 ammunition depots, 9 guns, and 26 units of equipment, including armored, engineering, and automotive vehicles. They also sank 1 boat. Moreover, the border guards hit 16 enemy communication stations, 4 electronic warfare systems, 2 "Murom-M" video surveillance complexes, and 1 "Avanpost" technical observation post. They also destroyed 2 UAV control points and brought down 46 enemy UAVs, including 1 "Shahed-136/131" drone.

The border guards, as part of the Defense Forces, are effectively protecting Ukraine from russian invaders.

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