Two drivers and a passenger arranged quest for border guards at border with Poland trying to swap seats, hide in restroom and offer bribes

01 of March 2023 08:04

A regular bus heading to Poland arrived at the Hrushiv border crossing point yesterday evening.

On arrival to the BCP, the border guard checked the amount of people crossing the state border and indicated the number on a special control pass. However, two people were found missing during passport control procedure.

As it turned out later, the bus drivers agreed to transport a man liable for military service across the border for a monetary reward. They “valued” their services at 2,000 PL zloty.

To carry out the illegal transfer, one of the drivers was to hide at the rest area of the bus, while the 41-year-old offender had to impersonate a driver. According to the plan, the pseudo-driver was supposed to hide in the restroom at the BCP and return to the bus after the inspection.

However, the plan did not work out. The border guards detected the driver hiding in the bus during the border control. Later on, they found the 41-year-old man who was trying to avoid border checks to leave for Poland illegally.

The person was not allowed to cross the border and was brought to administrative responsibility. The actions of the drivers fall under article 332 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine “Illegal transportation of persons across the State border of Ukraine.” The fact of committing a crime is reported to the National Police by the operatives of Lviv Border Guard Detachment.

However, that did not stop the drivers. One of them offered border guards a 500 US dollar bribe in order to avoid responsibility. The bribe was immediately refused. The fact of committing a crime under article 369 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine “Offering or providing an unlawful benefit to an official” is reported to the National Police by the officers of the Internal and Personal Security Department of the State Border Guard Service od Ukraine.

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