The enemy continues shelling the Ukrainian border

30 of December 2022 11:31

Yesterday, on the 29th of December, russian occupation troops continued shelling the border of Sumy and Chernihiv regions.

The enemy inflicted fire with the use of aircraft missiles, UAVs and mortars, barrel and rocket artillery. The Velykа Pysarivka, Krasnopillia, Bilopillia and Shalyhine communities of Sumy region and

In the first half of the day, russians launched in total 4 unguided aerial missiles at the territory of Ukraine from a helicopter. Enemy ammunition exploded in the border area of Velyka Pysarivka community.

The enemy shelled the Semenivka territorial community from the direction of azarovka settlement with mortars - 5 explosions were recorded.

Twice in one day russian invaders shelled the territory of the Krasnopillia community with 82-mm mortars, there were about a dozen explosions in total. The fire was conducted from the russian settlement of dronovka. In addition, the enemy dropped a total of four explosive devices from a drone in four cases in the border area of the same community. Fortunately, there were no casualties.

Also, twice a day, the enemy shelled the territory of the Bilopillia community with 120-mm mortars from the russian settlements of volfino and zarya, in total, there were almost three and a half dozen mine explosions.

The enemy shelled the Novhorod Siversk community twice from the area of the settlement of pohar with various types of weapons: mortars - 8 explosions, barrel artillery - 18 explosions, rockets - 5 explosions.

The Shalyhine border community suffered from enemy mortar fire - 5 mines of 120 mm caliber were launched by the enemy from the area of kozino settlement.

The components of the Defense Forces continue to defend Ukraine from the russian invaders.

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