The enemy continues to attack by fire the border areas of Sumy and Chernihiv regions

29 of December 2022 11:23

Yesterday, on 28-th of December, the russian occupation forces continued bombardment the Ukrainian border.

The enemy inflicted fire damage using unmanned aerial vehicles, large-caliber weapons, mortars and barrel artillery. Krasnopillia, Myropillia, Bilopillia, Znob-Novgorodske and Seredyna-Buda communities of Sumy region and Semenivka and Snovsk communities of Chernihiv region came under enemy fire.

In the first half of the day, rushists covered the territory of  Myropillia community with 120-mm mortars, more than a dozen explosions were heard. The fire started from the russian settlement of huevo. In addition, the russian invaders dropped an explosive device from a drone on the territory of the same community. Fortunately, there were no victims.

Around noon, the enemy fired mortars from the side of the village of azarivka along the border of Semenivka community - 5 explosions were counted.

There were 4 mines of 120 mm caliber from the area of the russian novy yurkovichi village at the border area of  Snovsk community.

The enemy shelled  Seredyna-Buda community from the area of zernove village twice with barrel artillery - 7 explosions were heard.

In the afternoon, the invaders shelled the territory of Bilopillia community twice with mortars and barrel artillery, totally there were a dozen explosions from mine fragmentations and a dozen and a half from projectiles. The fire came from the russian settlements of tiotkino and zaria. Also, shots from a large-caliber machine gun rang out in the border area of the same community.

12 mines of 120 mm caliber exploded at the border communities of Znob-Novhorod. At noon and in the evening the russians opened fire from the side of znob and bila berizka settlements.

The Defence Forces continue to protect Ukraine from russian invaders.

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