The enemy continues to attack by fire the border areas of Sumy and Chernihiv regions

19 of December 2022 09:49

During the day the enemy three times fired Ukrainian border areas within the Sumy and Chernihiv regions.

Yesterday, on 18-th of December, Hlukhiv community of Sumy region and Novhorod-Siverskyi community of Chernihiv region were under fire from mortars and barrel artillery of the rushists.

At noon, 16 rounds of 120 mm caliber, fired from the area of the russian settlement of krupets, exploded at the border area of Hlukhiv community. In the afternoon, the invaders fired another 10 artillery projectiles.

The Novgorod-Siverskyi community was fired by mortars from the pogar  settlement, totally 12 120-mm mines were counted.

The Defence Forces continue to protect Ukraine from russian invaders.

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