The enemy continues to shell the Ukrainian border.

02 of November 2022 11:37

Yesterday, on the 1st of November, the enemy applied fire attacks using mortars, drones, barrel and rocket artillery.

The Velyka Pysarivka, Myropil, Yunakivka, Hlukhiv, Shalyhine, Novoslobidka, Esman, and Znob-Novhorod communities of Sumy Oblast and the Horodnia, Semenivka, and Novhorod Siverskyi communities of Chernihiv Oblast came under enemy fire.

In the first half of the day, the rushists from the russian settlement of zarechye shelled the territory of the Velyka Pysarivka community with 120-mm mortars, there were more than a dozen explosions from mines.

Twice a day, the invaders covered the territory of the Yunakivka community with fire from barrel artillery, in total almost four dozen explosions were recorded. Shelling was conducted from the russian settlements of sverdlykovo and huevo. As a result of one of the attacks, the electricity line was damaged.

In the evening, invaders shelled the territory of the Myropil community from the area of the russian settlement of huevo, probably with mortars, about a dozen explosions were recorded.

Along the border of the Hlukhiv community, the enemy fired 15 shells from the rocket salvo system from the kozynev settlement.

The invaders shelled the Shalyhine community from the area of valetivka village with mortars – there were 17 hits.

The rushists shelled the Novoslobidka community with barrel artillery - 9 explosions were recorded. As a result of the shelling, one man was injured and is currently in the hospital, two houses of civilians were damaged, and cattle died. On the territory of the Znob-Novhorod and Esman communities, mortar fire was recorded, 3 mines were fired by the enemy from the village of troebortne and 1 mine from the area of the settlement of byla berizka.

On the territory of the Horodnya community, enemy fired 4 shots with 120 mm mines from the area of the settlement of сhernozemnyi horodok.

The invaders also shelled the Novhorod-Siversk community from the area of the russian village of pogar with mortars, 14 explosions of mines of 120 mm caliber were recorded.

Enemy drones dropped 2 explosive devices on the territory of the Semenivka community.

In addition, the invaders from the russian settlement bezimenno shelled the territory of the Zolochiv community of Kharkiv Oblast, on the border with the Sumy Oblast, with 120 mm mortars. There was half a dozen hits.

Members of the Defense Forces continue to protect Ukraine from the russian invaders.


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