The enemy continues to shell the Ukrainian border

25 of October 2022 10:15

Yesterday, on the 24th of October, the russian occupation forces continued shelling the border areas of Sumy and Chernihiv oblasts.

The enemy inflicted fire damage using mortars and barrel artillery. The Velyka Pysarivka, Shalyhine, Seredina-Buda, and Krasnopillia communities of Sumy Oblast and the Horodnia community of Chernihiv Oblast came under enemy fire.

In the morning, the enemy shelled the Horodnia community with mortar fire from the settlement of Chernozemnyi Horodok – there were 5 explosions.

Later, the invaders shelled the Seredina-Buda community with mortars from the russian village of hrudskaia, 7 explosions were recorded.

The enemy attacked the Shalyhine community twice with barrel artillery, 26 shells came from the enemy settlement horodyshche.

In the afternoon, the rashists covered the territory of the Velyka Pysarivke community with 122-mm barrel artillery from the russian settlement of kozinka, dozens of explosions were counted from bursting shells.

In the evening, the invaders shelled the territory of the Krasnopillia communities with a mortar, totally there were three hits. Firing was from the russian settlement viazove.

In addition, invaders shelled the territory of the Zolochiv community of the Kharkiv Oblast, on the border with Sumy oblast, with 120-mm mortars from a russian settlement bezimeno. Half a dozen explosions were recorded.

Members of the Defense Forces continue to protect Ukraine from the russian invaders.

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