The enemy continues to shell the border areas of Sumy region

23 of October 2022 10:46

Yesterday, on the 22nd of October, the russian occupying forces continued shelling the border of the Sumy region.

The enemy inflicted fire damage using mortars, rocket and barrel artillery. The territories of Yunakivka, Esman, Shalyhime, Seredina-Buda, Putyvl and Bilopillia communities came under enemy fire.

In four cases, the Shalyhine community was under enemy fire from mortars and rocket launchers. In total, there were more than seven dozen explosions in the border areas.

As a result of shelling, a school, a kindergarten, a rural council, a water tower, and a monument were damaged in one of the settlements. In the village, streets and gardens were destroyed, 2 residential buildings and a power line were damaged.

11 explosions of mines of 120 mm caliber were heard on the territory of the Seredina-Buda community, the russians fired from the direction of the village of hruzke.

During the shelling, an electricity line and several residential buildings of local residents were damaged, a 68-year-old woman received shrapnel wounds and is in the hospital.

The Putivl community was shelled by the enemy from the area of anatolivka settlement with barrel artillery - 11 explosions.

Twice a day, the rashists covered the territory of the Yunakivka community with 152-mm barrel artillery and 120-mm mortars, in total there were ten explosions from shells and about a dozen - from mines. The fire came from the russian settlements of nikolaevo-darino and sverdlikovo.

In the afternoon, occupiers from the russian settlement of tyotkino shelled one of the settlements of the Bilopillia community with 120-mm mortars, one and a half dozen hits were counted.

The rashists also fired mortars at the Esman community - 6 120 mm caliber mines were fired from the area of the russian village of nekyslytsia.

Members of the Defense Forces continue to protect Ukraine from russian invaders.

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