The enemy continues to shell the border areas of Sumy and Chernihiv regions

24 of August 2022 09:44

Yesterday, August 23, the artillery and mortars of the invaders continued to shell the border areas of Ukraine from the territory of the russian federation.

The Myropillia, Krasnopillia, Esman, Velyka Pysarivka communities of Sumy region and the Semenivka community of Chernihiv region came under enemy fire.

The enemy fired four times during the past day with 120-mm mortars and barrel artillery on the territory of the Esman community, a total of 25 hits.

In the afternoon, the enemy from the russian settlement of hornal shelled the territory of the Myropillia community with 82-mm mortars, counting half a dozen explosions.

Later, more than two dozen 82-mm mines exploded on the territory of the Krasnopillia community. The fire was coming from the russian settlement of viazovo.

Closer to the evening, the rashists from the russian settlement of ponura covered the territory of the Velyka Pysarivka community with barrel artillery, in total more than three dozen explosions were heard.

Two arrivals of 120 mm russian mines were recorded on the territory of the Semenivka community of Chernihiv region.

There are no casualties.

Members of the Defence Forces continue to protect Ukraine from russian invaders.

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