The aggressor continues to attack by fire the border communities of Ukraine from russia

22 of August 2022 10:11

Yesterday, on 21-st of August, the enemy inflicted fire damage using barrel artillery, mortars, large-caliber small arms and unmanned aerial vehicles.

Velyka Pysarivka, Khotin, and Bilopollia communities in Sumy region, Semenivka and Horodnia territorial communities in Chernihiv region, as well as Zolochiv community of Kharkiv region, which is on the border with Sumy region came under the russian fire.

At the night, 21-st of August, the invaders using barrel artillery fired several shots at Zolochiv community from the russian settlement of bezimenne.

At the first half of the day, the enemy twice covered the territory of Bilopillia community with 120-mm mortars and 122-mm barrel artillery, totally, 25 explosions were counted. The fire was coming from the russian settlement of wolfino.

At the same time, Khotin community was fired by russians from the villages of hordieievka and nikolaievo-darino. In total, more than a dozen 120-mm mines landed, while the enemy fired from large-caliber machine guns.

In the afternoon, 5 mines of 120 mm caliber, released by the russians from the area of the settlement of chornozemnyi horodok, exploded at the territory of Horodnia territorial community.

At the same time, 4 barrel artillery shells exploded at the territory of Semenivka community. The enemy fired from the russian village of lomakivka.

In the evening, an enemy drone dropped an explosive device on the territory of Velyka Pysarivka community.

The Defence Forces continue to protect Ukraine from russian invaders.

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