The enemy continues to shell the border areas of Sumy and Chernihiv regions

19 of August 2022 10:01

Yesterday, August 18, the enemy inflicted fire damage using mortars, rocket and barrel artillery.

The Krasnopillia, Myropillia and Bilopillia communities of Sumy oblast, and the Semenivka and Novhorod-Siverskyi communities of Chernihiv oblast came under enemy fire.

During the day, in four cases, the enemy shelled the territory of the Bilopillia community with mortars and barrel artillery, there were 35 explosions in total. The fire was coming from the russian settlements of volfino, novyi put and obod. As a result of the morning shelling, a non-residential building and school building were damaged in one of the settlements of the community.

Twice a day, from the russian settlement of sluchevsk, the enemy's rocket and barrel artillery covered the territory of the Novhorod-Siverskyi community with fire, in total, there were more than two dozen hits.

In the morning, on the territory of the Semenivka community, 3 mines of 120 mm caliber exploded, the russians fired them from the area of the russian settlement of lokot.

In the afternoon, the russians hit the outskirts of one of the settlements of the Krasnopillia community with 82-mm mortars from a russian settlement, a dozen explosions were counted.

In the afternoon, 120-mm mortar shells covered one of the settlements of the Myropillia community, there were two dozen hits. The fire was shelled from the russian settlement of pliohovo.

Members of the Defence Forces continue to protect Ukraine from russian invaders.

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