The enemy continues to shell the border areas of Sumy and Chernihiv regions

14 of August 2022 11:16

Yesterday, August 13, the enemy inflicted fire damage using mortars, MLRS, barrel artillery, grenade launchers and heavy machine guns.

Velykopysarivka,Khotin, Bilopillia, Novoslobidka, Esman, Znob-Novhorodsk, Shalyhine community of Sumy region and Snovsk community in Chernihiv region came under enemy fire.

The enemy covered twice the territory of the Bilopillia community with 120 mm mortars, totally there were two dozen of hits from the russian settlement of totkino this morning.

At the same time, 5 artillery shells firing by the enemy from the russian settlement of chornozemnyi horodok exploded on the territory of the Snovsk community.

Russians fired from the barrel artillery about fifty shells on the territory of the Znob-Novhorod community and 12 shells on the territory of the Shalyhine community.

In the first half of the day, in five cases, the occupiers shelled the territory of the Khotin community. The fire came from the russian settlements of troitsk and nikolaievo-darino. The invaders fired from 120 mm mortars and at the same time from large-caliber machine guns, twice used manual anti-tank grenade launchers. As a result of the shelling, private residences and civilian infrastructure were damaged.

In the afternoon, the occupiers from the russian settlement of spodariushyno covered the territory of the Velykopysarivka community with fire from barrel artillery and mortars, with about a dozen explosions.

The occupiers fired at the Esmansk community from the side of behoshcha settlement with MLRS "Grad" 15 rounds.

More than 20 enemy artillery shells, fired from the side of the russian settlement tiotkino, exploded on the outskirts of one of the villages of the Novoslobidka community.

Civilian infrastructure and private households were damaged.

Members of the Defense Forces continue to protect Ukraine from russian invaders.

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