The enemy continues to shell the border areas of Sumy and Chernihiv regions

11 of August 2022 11:32

Yesterday, on the 10th of August, the russian occupation forces continued shelling the Ukrainian border.

The enemy inflicted fire damage using mortars, barrel and rocket artillery. Krasnopillia, Sumy, Bilopillia, Nova Sloboda, Seredyna-Buda and Shalyhine communities of Sumy Oblast and Novhorod-Siverskyi and Horodnia communities of Chernihiv Oblast came under enemy fire.

During the day, the enemy covered the territory of the Bilopillia community with fire from mortars and barrel artillery in seven cases, a total of 75 hits. The fire came from the russian settlements of popovo-lezhachi, tiotkino, obody and zaria.

The territory of the Krasnopillia community was shelled three times a day. The occupiers used 120-mm mortars and MLRS “Hrad”, with a total of almost 40 explosions. The fire came from the russian settlements of starosillia and poroz.

In the afternoon, the enemy covered the territory of the Sumy community with the use of 152-mm self-propelled guns, 20 airstrikes were counted. The fire started from the russian settlement of yelizavetovka. As a result of the shelling, private residences and civilian infrastructure were damaged.

The enemy shelled the territory of the Shalyhine community from a self-propelled artillery piece with 30 hits.

The russians opened fire from a self-propelled artillery piece in the Seredyna-Buda community, about 10 explosions were recorded.

The occupiers shelled the Novhorod-Siverskyi community from the russian village of sluchevsk with self-propelled guns, 7 explosions.

The Horodnia community was shelled by the enemy with mortars from the side of the russian village of the chornozemnyi horodok during the evening, 10 explosions were recorded.

Already this morning, seven dozen of projectiles fired from MLRS “Hrad” from the russian village of neonilivka exploded on the territory of the Nova Sloboda community. The occupiers fired 15 more MLRS “Hrad” from the russian settlement of tiotkino in the Nova Sloboda community. And in the neighboring Bilopillia community, 13 explosions from the enemy’s barrel artillery were shelled. The fire was from the russian settlement of obod. Information about the consequences of the morning shelling is being checked.

Members of the Defense Forces continue to protect Ukraine from russian invaders.

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