The enemy continues to shell the Sumy and Chernihiv regions

23 of July 2022 11:52

Yesterday, on the 22 of July, the russian occupation forces continued shelling the Ukrainian border area.

The Putyvl, Shalygine communities of the Sumy region and the Novgorod-Siversk and Semenivka communities of the Chernihiv region came under enemy fire.

The Shalygine community was shelled from a self-propelled artillery during the day, 5 explosions were recorded.

In one case, the enemy fired using barrel artillery on the territory of the Putyvl community.

Russians fired at the territory of the Semenivka community three times with barrel artillery and mortars, 32 "hits" were recorded.

The enemy shelled the Novgorodsiversk community with barrel artillery, 45 explosions were recorded, and an automatic grenade launcher (AGS) was also used, about seven dozen explosions were recorded.

Defense Forces continue to protect Ukraine from russian invaders.

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