08 of March 2022 12:23

During the day on March 7, almost 132 thousand people and about 13 thousand vehicles crossed the state border of Ukraine in the western part.

Passenger traffic remained at the level of the previous day, the number of people waiting to cross the border decreased slightly.

We RECOMMEND that we use the crossing points on the border with Hungary to speed up the crossing, which are currently the least congested (almost empty), as well as with Slovakia and Moldova.

You can check their load every three hours on the Facebook page of the Western Regional Department of the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine-Western Border.

Almost 118,000 people left Ukraine last night. The majority of travelers - almost 90,000 people - chose checkpoints on the Polish section. As a result, there is a significant accumulation of people and cars.

Border guards of Ukraine, as well as their foreign counterparts are taking all possible measures to speed up access procedures to leave Ukraine.

On March 7, almost 14,000 people returned to Ukraine, of which more than 11,000 are citizens of Ukraine! We are proud and thank our compatriots who returned to their homeland at a difficult time for her!

WE REMIND that checkpoints on the western border are open 24 hours a day (except for Dzvinkove checkpoint on the border with Hungary, which is open from 8 am to midnight -

Border guards and customs officers continue providing a pass humanitarian aid to the Ukrainian population and our army. Over the past day on the western border were passed almost 700 vehicles with charitable goods.

WE ASK ALL CITIZENS at the border to adhere to law and order, order and norms of morality when crossing the border and not to offer bribes to border guards for extraordinary or illegal border crossing!

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