15 violators were detained by border guards in Transcarpathia

31 of December 2022 08:09

In Transcarpathia, border guards of the Mukachevo border guard detachment stopped four attempts to violate the state border, as a result of which 15 people were detained.

In the sector of responsibility of the Luzhanka border guard division, realizing the information provided by the operatives of border guard detachment, the squad detained a group of people, including 7 children, 2 women and 3 men. All the detainees are residents of Transcarpathia, representatives of the Roma nationality, who intended to enter Hungary illegally.

The remaining violations, which are related to the attempts of men of conscription age to avoid mobilization, were stopped by the border guards at the border with Romania.

One of the offenders, a resident of Dnipropetrovsk region, who intended to cross the high-mountainous section of the border, was detained by military personnel of the Veliatyno border guard division.

Border guards of Dilove border guard division stopped a resident of Khmelnytskyi region near the border, the man could not explain the purpose of his stay at the border areas. In the end, he confessed his intentions to cross the border illegally.

Another intruder who, despite the repeated warnings of the border guards, was going to cross the Tysa River, was detained by the border patrol of the Solotvyno border guard division. A man came to Transcarpathia from Dnipropetrovsk region to try his luck in the river, the water level of which is increasing every day. Desperately, he packed all his belongings in polyethylene, and in order not to be noticed by the border guards, he planned to cross the border illegally at night.

There are 12 drowned people who tried to cross the border illegally were retrieved from the Tysa River since the beginning of the full-scale invasion of russia into Ukraine.

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