Resident of Moscow oblast carried almost a kilogram of cannabis

31 of May 2012 10:17

A citizen of Russia, a resident of Moscow oblast, tried to transmit across the border hidden more than 950 grams of vegetative origin substance, most likely cannabis.


A citizen of Russia, a resident of Moscow oblast, tried to transmit across the border hidden more than 950 grams of vegetative origin substance, most likely cannabis.

Border guards of “Kozacha Lopan’” border guard division were informed about possible drugs transmission in “Mariupol-Moscow” three hours before confiscation. Specially trained dog Rich was involved in the detection of drugs. It immediately responded to passenger personal luggage, where a package of "grass" was found. During the subsequent joint customs inspection another package with vegetative origin substance was found in constructions of the carriage.

In an hour, border guards of “Kharkiv-Zaliznychnyi” found, with assistance of dog Jack, almost 4 grams of “grass”, which was hidden under floor carpet in the carriage of train "Simferopol - Moscow."

In both cases, drugs were confiscated and transmitted to customs.

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