Border guards continue improving their skills in tactical medicine

01 of February 2024 08:10

The other day, a tactical medicine class was held in one of the state border guard units of Zhytomyr border guard detachment.

Border guards were trained by representatives of the volunteer medical unit of "Tactical Medicine North" public organisation.

The instructors provided a theoretical and practical basis for servicemen, taught them to work within the framework of the algorithm for providing pre-medical care according to the "MARCH" protocol.

The MARCH algorithm is a key component of the TCCC concept (Tactical Combat Casualty Care is a course of tactical assistance to the wounded in combat conditions).

The boys and girls worked out the algorithm in practice, which determines the priorities and the order of actions in providing aid to the wounded. They worked on conducting self-help activities, helping each other, and also trained to act in critical situations using various training models.

At the end of the training, each serviceman received and improved the necessary and extremely important in today's conditions baggage of knowledge and the necessary skills for actions in the event of falling into extreme conditions.

The border guards thank the volunteer unit for the well-conducted classes and the provision of appropriate assistance.

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